I really dont know how 2 describe....
My hair is curly now.....
N I knew I will get alot of comments....
But there were some 8 po....
Asking me stupid n weired questions....
All the questions I feel like just ignore it....
They are so iratating....
But I also got some good comments....
The thing I worried the most was.....
About the school rules...
I dont know my hair is considered as messy nor wat....
But I will try my very best to tidy up...
Tomorrow I'm planning to wear a hair band...
N tied up my hair to form a small little pony tail...
It is really SMALL...
Cause my hair is considered as short...
But just because it was messy for my teachers...
So I need 2 settle it in this way....
I hope the people who wish or wanted 2 gossip or stalk about me...
PLS be right behind of me so that I cant hear you...
Cause sometimes the comment is like....
Like guns n boms...
That make me really get into trouble n my emotional is like.....
Not really good....
Of course...
I'm the type that can accept peoples' comment or anything....
Cause I'm a happy go lucky girl....
Actually I just will take good n correct comments about me....
But not the comments that just wanted 2 find problem with me....
If I dont even know who u are...
Pls dont come near n didn't have ur manners.....
I think I should learn the sentences in the picture....
Because this only will make my life more meaningful n easy man......
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